Pu (Luke) Yi 易普
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Short Bio
I am a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Stanford University, advised by Prof. Sara Achour. My current research interests are developing computing systems for novel/unconventional computing paradigms which specially target edge scenarios and emerging hardware. There are a range of emerging hardware technologies that bring benefits such as ultra low power, wearable, non-volatility, higher storage density over conventional CMOS-based technologies. They have different computational primitives and are often prone to noise. To release their full potential, I am interested in designing custom software that is error resilient and has data encodings better matched to the hardware primitives. I like to work in the intersection of theory and practices and have a general interest in programming languages, formal methods, and software engineering.
I obtained my B.S. (summa cum laude) in computer science from Turing Class, Peking University, China. My undergraduate research focused on software testing, under the supervision of Prof. Darko Marinov and Prof. Tao Xie.
Pu (Luke) Yi, Yifan Yang, Chae Young Lee, and Sara Achour
Early Termination for Hyperdimensional Computing Using Inferential Statistics
30th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
(ASPLOS 2025), pages to-appear, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 2025
Hao Wang, Pu (Luke) Yi, Jeremias Parladorio, Wing Lam, Darko Marinov, and Tao Xie
Hierarchy-Aware Regression Test Prioritization
35th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
(ISSRE 2024), pages to-appear, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2024
Cyrille Artho, Pavel Parízek, Daohan Qu, Varadraj Galgali, and Pu (Luke) Yi
JPF: From 2003 to 2023
30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2024), pages 3-22, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 2024
Anjiang Wei, Akash Levy, Pu (Luke) Yi, Robert M Radway, Priyanka Raina, Subhasish Mitra, and Sara Achour
PBA: Percentile-Based Level Allocation for Multiple-Bits-Per-Cell RRAM
42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design
(ICCAD 2023), pages 1-9, San Francisco, CA, USC, October 2023
Pu (Luke) Yi and Sara Achour
Hardware-Aware Static Optimization of Hyperdimensional Computations
38th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2023), pages 1-30, Cascais, Portugal, October 2023
[PDF] [slides]
Anjiang Wei, Pu Yi, Zhengxi Li, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
Preempting Flaky Tests via Non-Idempotent-Outcome Tests
44th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2022), pages 1730-1742, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 2022
Yikai Zhao, Yubo Zhang, Pu Yi, Tong Yang, Bin Cui, and Uhlig Steve
The Stair Sketch: Bringing more Clarity to Memorize Recent Events
38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE 2022), pages 123-130, Virtual Conference, May 2022
Pu Yi, Hao Wang, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
A Theoretical Analysis of Random Regression Test Prioritization
28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2022), pages 217-235, Munich, Germany, April 2022
[PDF] [slides]
Wenxi Wang, Pu Yi, Sarfraz Khurshid, and Darko Marinov
Initial Results on Counting Test Orders for Order-Dependent Flaky Tests using Alloy
33rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems
(ICTSS 2021), pages 123-130 (short paper), Virtual Conference, November 2021
Pu Yi, Anjiang Wei, Wing Lam, Tao Xie, and Darko Marinov
Finding Polluter Tests Using Java PathFinder
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 46, 2021
(SEN 2021), 46(3), pages 37-41, July 2021
(Extended paper of abstract presented at Java PathFinder Online Day (JPF 2020), Virtual Workshop, November 2020)
Anjiang Wei, Pu Yi, Tao Xie, Darko Marinov, and Wing Lam
Probabilistic and Systematic Coverage of Consecutive Test-Method Pairs for Detecting Order-Dependent Flaky Tests
27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS 2021), pages 270-287, Virtual Conference, March 2021
[PDF] [slides]
The two characters of my Chinese name mean literally simple (易) and normal (普) respectively.
I participated in programming contests (Olympiad in Informatics in China) in my high school and have been active in the community through my undergrad. I served as the president of the Peking University Student Algorithm Association (PKUSAA) for a year, where we organized the biggest programming contests in PKU. I also help train high school students for programming contests from time to time.
I am interested in learning various languages. I am conversant in German and Cantonese. Interestingly, although Cantonese is viewed as a regional dialect of Chinese by many people, native Mandarin speakers can generally neither understand nor speak oral Cantonese.